TMJ Treatment - Lubbock, TX

TMJ Disorder Lubbock, TXTemporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMD) is a common condition that affects many people. Symptoms for TMD usually manifest through severe headaches or migraines, jaw pain at some level, clenching and grinding of teeth, ear pain, ear ringing as well as clicking, popping and grating within the jaw joint itself. Patients often mistake these symptoms at something else, such as an earache, leaving the root problem unaddressed. Many patients also don’t realize that TMJ Disorders can be treated by a dentist trained to treat it.  As a provider with experience in treating craniofacial pain, Dr. Dallen Ricks is able to determine if you have TMJ disorder and can provide orthopedic treatments for the condition. With extensive training and some of the most advanced equipment in the industry, Dr. Ricks is recognized as a leading TMJ specialist in Lubbock.


TMJ Anatomy Lubbock, TX“The temporomandibular joints, called TMJ, are the joints and jaw muscles that make it possible to open and close your mouth. Located on each side of the head, your TMJ work together when you chew, speak, or swallow and includes muscles and ligaments as well as the jaw bone. The also control the lower jaw (mandible) as it moves forward, backward and side to side.

Each TMJ has a disc between the ball and socket. The disc cushions the load while enabling the jaw to open widely and rotate or glide.”

Our Lubbock TMJ Treatment

Like with most ailments, early detection and treatment will give patients the best possible outcome. However, most healthcare professionals would agree that conservative treatment options are a patient’s best bet.

TMJ Treatment Lubbock, TXYellow House Dental can provide high-quality, non-surgical solutions for most patients with TMD. Through intentional use of splint therapy we have been able to rehabilitate many patients who suffer from TMD issues. This is where the patient wears a sturdy, hard splint on their lower teeth for a period of time and sees the doctor regularly for small adjustments that are made to the splint. This allows for the joint and muscles to relax in a controlled manner to get the patient to a healthy position. 

In some cases, we may recommend fixing an uneven bite by adjusting or reshaping some teeth. This is called an Equilibration. We might also recommend a short round of specific medications to help with inflammation and to relax the muscles. 

Many patients might also need to complete orthodontic treatment or find some relief through chiropractic care. We have an extensive history of working in collaboration with both Orthodontists and Chiropractors to treat patients with severe TMD cases and are able to give patients a thorough evaluation and recommendation if they are considering surgery. 

For patients with less severe cases, we may recommend a night guard. This looks exactly like the splint we use and protects the teeth and jaw in the same way. The main difference being that the patient will only wear the night guard at night and will see the doctor for adjustments minimally.

Over The Counter Treatment Options

We typically do not recommend patients use night guards purchased from the pharmacy. A store-bought guard, because it is soft in nature, usually promotes an increase in clinching and grinding, which will often exacerbate issues. 

While these may temporarily relieve some of the symptoms, this is not a long-term solution and could potentially put the patient in danger of making their symptoms worse down the road.

If you think you might be experiencing TMD issues or you have more questions about it, you can call or text our office at (806)797-0341 for more information.

Symptoms To Watch for TMJ Disorders

  • Clenching and/or grinding of teeth
  • Sore and stiff muscles around the jaw joints and even in the neck and shoulders
  • Frequent headaches, possibly even migraines, or neck aches
  • An increase in pain or discomfort during stressful times
  • Clicking, popping and grating with the jaw joint
  • The jaw catches or locks when trying to open it
  • Painful to open your mouth, eat or yawn
  • A history of arthritis in other joints
  • Some teeth that don’t touch when you bite
  • Teeth might come together differently from time to time
  • Difficulty using your front teeth to bite or tear food
  • Sensitive, cracked or broken teeth
  • Aches or even ringing in your ears

Learn More About Our Lubbock TMJ Treatment Options

f you reside in Lubbock or the surrounding areas and are suffering from persistent jaw pain or soreness, headaches, migraines, or bouts of lockjaw, we encourage you to schedule an appointment for an evaluation with our Lubbock TMJ specialist, Dr. Ricks. We are able to provide non-surgical TMJ and TMD solutions in many cases.


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